Occupational Health & Safety Consulting

OHS File and Implementation

  • Safety Audit
  • OHS Safety File
  • Signs, Lines & Floor Marking
  • Evacuation Plan & Implementation
  • OHS Compliance
  • OHS Risk Assessments
  • Emergency Planning
  • Fire Equipment Compliance

Some compulsory requirements in terms of legal compliance with the OHS Act and attached regulations that we specialise in, include:

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)

An assessment whereby we identify hazards and risks that your operation exposes people to which can lead to injury or illness, and assist you in mitigating or eliminating these as required by the Act.

Emergency and Evacuation Planning (Evac Plan)

Includes a plan of action documenting planned responses to a variety of emergencies, as well as evacuation out of the area to safe assembly points, together with floor plans and mock drills.

Safety Files

Most commonly for contractors working on a client’s premises where the client requires that contractor to ensure they are legally compliant in terms of the OHAS Act. This is generally highly enforced in the construction industry (but does apply to all industries).

Fire Equipment

SABS Approved installation, maintenance, repair and recharge of firefighting equipment (extinguishers, hose reels and hydrants), fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems.


Legislated training in the disciplines of – 1st Aid, firefighting, health and safety, as well as business requirements in terms of security, management and supervisory, as well as customised course development in many areas, including Soft Skills (people related) and Hard Skills (Job Related Competencies).


Phoenix Fire Solutions offers assistance to contractors throughout South Africa with their legal compliance regarding the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the 2014 Construction Regulations.

We assist with Risk Assessments, Toolbox Talks, Incident Investigations, liaison with Department of Labour in case of Accidents, Training Management, Site Safety Inductions. All our Safety Officers are highly trained and registered.

The contractor services Safe Working Practice offer:

Compilation of Site Specific Safety Plans

Safe Working Practice will compile a site specific Safety Plan in response to the client’s Safety Specification. Safe Working Practice will negotiate with the Safety Agent until the Plan is approved. If any changes are required in the approval process of the Plan, we will gladly amend the Plan free of  charge. The requirements will be met as per the below Regulation.
Duties of principal contractor and contractor as per CR2014:
7. (1) A principal contractor must— a) provide and demonstrate to the client a suitable, sufficiently documented and coherent site specific health and safety plan, based on the client’s documented health and safety specifications contemplated in regulation 5(1)(b), which plan must be applied from the date of  commencement of and for the duration of the construction work and which must be reviewed and updated by the principal contractor as work progresses;


Compilation of Site Specific Safety Files

We specialise in the development of safety documentation and assist contractors with the compilation of site-specific Health and Safety files. Our safety files include all legally required documentation to be approved by the safe site Safety Agent such as the including Legal Appointments, Registers, Toolbox Talks, Safety Plan, Risk Assessments, Fall Protection Plan, etc.  Our consultants will implement the file and train staff how to maintain it. The file must always be on site as per the Construction Regulations below.

Duties of principal contractor and contractor as per CR2014:
7. (1) A principal contractor must—
(b) open and keep on site a health and safety file, which must include all documentation required in terms of the Act and these Regulations, which must be made available on request to an inspector, the client, the client’s agent or a contractor;

Site Safety Inspections

Safe Working Practice can assist contractors with achieving legal compliance through auditing the site regularly as required by the Construction Regulations 2014. During the site visits we will assist the contractor with the upkeep of the Safety Documentation in the Safety File, review the required Documentation and compile additional documents where required. We will make sure that all employees are inducted. The consultants can assist with the compilation of Risk Assessments and Safe Work Procedures. We assist with Toolbox Talks and the communication thereof. Our consultants are duly qualified and can accept Legal Appointments such as Risk Assessor, Incident Investigator and Safety Officer.

In the unlikely event of an accident happening on site, our consultants will do the Incident Investigation and assist with the liaison with the Department of Labour. After each site visit, we will submit a site report, including photos for reference with findings and recommendations on site related issues. The report has a physical section where we record any site related issues an administrative section where we record any administrative issues that require attention.

On. completion of the project we will compile a consolidated Safety File and hand it to the client as required by law. We will conduct a close out report and ensure that all appointments are cancelled.

Duties of principal contractor and contractor as per CR2014:
7. (1) A principal contractor must—
(c) on appointing any other contractor, in order to ensure compliance with the 
provisions of the Act sections (i) to (x).
(d) ensure that a copy of his or her health and safety plan contemplated in paragraph 
(a), as well as the contractor’s health and safety plan contemplated in subregulation (2)(a), is available on request to an employee, an inspector, a contractor, the client or the client’s agent;